How To Prevent Aging At Any Age

Hi Modern Guys and Gals,

If you’ve been following along you know that November is prevention month at Modern Aesthetics. Last week we talked to Melissa, esthetician and owner of Modern Aesthetics, to answer some of the most common questions clients ask about preventing skin damage.

Melissa told us that prevention is the best line of defense against aging. In case you missed it, you can check it out here.

After our Q and A many of you asked the question, “How Can I Prevent Aging At My Age?” Well, we have your answers! Here is our handy guide to anti-aging methods at any age:

How To Prevent Aging in Your 20’s

Your early years are a great time to start with prevention and many young people are eager to get a head start on turning back the clock. But, be careful not to go overboard with the type of anti-aging products you choose. You don’t need an entire medicine cabinet stocked with thick creams full of harsh ingredients. Many of these products are designed for more mature skin and contain ingredients that your skin doesn’t need. You could be doing more harm than good by using them. Look for products that contain antioxidants like vitamin C and start using a good under eye cream by the time you’re 25.

Focus on keeping your skin protected from the sun. Get in the habit of using SPF now. Your skin will thank you in the future! Maintain a healthy diet and stay away from excessive alcohol, carbs, and sugars.

Cleanse your skin daily, but be aware that over-washing or using a cleanser that’s too strong can dry out skin. People often load their skin with extra moisturizer to make up for the dryness and tightness they feel after cleansing. However, this can clog your freshly washed pores, leading to more oiliness and potential break outs. Instead, choose a gentle cleanser that won’t dry out your skin. Follow it up with toner and a light moisturizer.

Your twenties are a great time to start seeing an esthetician for regular treatments, such as chemical peels.

How To Prevent Aging in Your 30’s

Your 30’s can be a stressful time, which if you’re not careful about prevention, can show on your skin. The good news about turning 30 is that your skin care routine doesn’t need to change too much. You can keep doing the same things that you were doing in your 20’s; cleansing, toning and moisturizing. However, once you’re in your 30’s you might start to notice that it’s harder for your skin to repair itself. It’s also more difficult for your skin to retain moisture. You may need to look for products with increased hydration or consider using a moisturizing mask at least once a week.

No matter your age, it’s important to know your skin type. Your skin is constantly changing, and while your prevention method won’t be drastically different, your skin will have different needs. This may require a change in which ingredients you are using in your products. Think about quality over quantity. It’s not about how many products you put on your face, it’s about using the right products for your skin. This is a great time to reevaluate your skin’s changing needs. A skin care expert, like Melissa, can assess your skin and help you choose the most effective products for your skin.

How To Prevent Aging in Your 40’s

Once you hit your 40’s, skin cell repair slows down even more. If you took good care of your skin when you were younger and you’ve been following an effective anti-aging regimen, you’re already one step ahead of the game. If not, don’t worry, it’s not too late to prevent skin damage.

Your body is just starting to experience hormonal changes, but the effects can be seen on the skin. Now is also the time you can start looking at products that contain anti-aging ingredients. You know, the ones we told you to stay away from in your 20’s.

Retinoid is a great example of this. Retinoid products encourage collagen production and cell turnover. Be careful though, these products are really strong and sometimes require a prescription. Consult with a professional, even if you choose an over-the-counter version. Retinoid products can make your skin extra sensitive to sunlight and other irritants. Add them to your routine gradually, starting with only a few days a week and working your way up. Make sure you discontinue use prior to any waxing or exfoliating treatments.

How To Prevent Aging in Your 50’s and After

Don’t abandon your anti-aging regimen just yet. This is a critical time to care for your skin. If you worshiped the sun when you were younger, it’s now that your skin will really start showing the damage. You may start to notice brown spots or spider veins. These are often the results of sun damage that your skin experienced in its earlier years.

Your body is producing less estrogen in your 50’s and 60’s. This slows down the production of sebum, the oily substance that coats and protects the skin. Despite dryness, or less oil, don’t stop washing your face. Less estrogen can also pores to enlarge, so it’s especially important to keep skin clean. Further, products absorb better on clean skin, so continue to wash daily, but use a gentle cream cleanser and a moisturizer to combat dryness.

Unlike in your 20’s, skin is less capable of repairing itself on its own at this stage. If you haven’t already, include an exfoliating product as part of your weekly routine. The frequency of use will depend on your skin’s needs, but typically, 2 or 3 times each week is enough. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells, which evens skin tone and brightens skin. Night time is when your skin regenerates, so help it work more effectively by using a product that increases collagen production

Some anti-aging methods are universal. Taking care of your body is important at any age. Make sure you’re eating a healthy diet that’s rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Limit junk foods and drink plenty of water. Protect yourself from the UV rays by avoiding tanning beds and covering your skin in direct sunlight. Wear SPF every day, rain or shine. As Melissa always says, it’s never too early, or too late, to think about prevention!


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