Ask an Expert: What Is Non-Invasive Skincare?

Hi Modern Guys and Gals,

I’ve got a question for you…

Are you still using the same phone you used 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Probably not.

Technology changes. Trends change. The skincare industry has changed too.

We now have the technology to achieve younger looking skin without going under the knife. In the past, surgical procedures were one of the only options for people looking to reverse the aging process. But, we’ve come a long way since then!

Melissa has been working in the skin care industry for the last 7 years, and during that time, she has learned the advantages to choosing non-invasive procedures over more invasive ones. Melissa’s clients are also starting to see the advantages of non-invasive treatments. On average, these treatments cost less, they’re less painful, and they can still offer significant results.

But what is a non-invasive treatment? How does it differ from something “invasive”? Modern Guys and Gals have been asking these questions and Melissa is here to answer them. She’s back for another Ask An Expert to address some of the most common questions her clients have about non-invasive treatments.

Q: What’s the difference between non invasive and invasive?

A: Non-invasive skincare is a less intense way to get noticeable results. These treatments don’t require anesthesia because most clients experience very little pain, if any at all, Their visits require little to no recovery time. Non invasive procedures are great for treating and preventing nearly all visible signs of aging. They include services like:

Injectables and fillers, such as Botox or Juvaderm, are usually considered non-invasive or minimally invasive. I do not offer these in my office at this time.

Invasive procedures are much more intense than non-invasive ones. They’re better for correction than prevention. They often require anesthesia and more recovery time. These procedures typically fall into the category of surgery or medical procedures. They include:

Both types of procedures have a time and a place, and which is right for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.

Q: Ok, be honest. Do non-invasive treatments really work? Wouldn’t I have better results from something more intense?

A: The truth is this, sometimes surgery is a better option. I can’t promise the same results as a facelift. Sometimes clients are looking for results that are beyond what I can deliver, and that’s something I let them know during their consultation. When this happens, I refer them to someone who can give them the results they want. Often, my treatments can accompany the procedures they receive elsewhere.

It also depends on the problem you’re trying to fix. Non-invasive treatments focus on prevention, but they can also be used to correct problem areas. They’re a great way to slow down the clock and allow your skin to age gracefully. They’re not surgical level results, but they are effective. I’m a strong believer in non-invasive treatments, and that’s why I’ve built my whole career around helping clients feel better about their appearance without unnecessary surgery. There are many ways to tighten saggy skin, lift droopy areas, and reduce wrinkles without going under the knife.

There are also a lot of things that non-invasive procedures can treat that medical ones can’t. For example, microdermabrasion treatments, chemical peels, and other forms of exfoliation are effective for brightening skin and evening skin tones. Non-invasive treatments can offer significant results without leaving you looking like you’ve had work done.

Q: What kinds of problems can you treat with these procedures?

A: Almost anything! In my office I treat everything from acne to fine lines. I’ve reduced wrinkles and lifted saggy skin. I’ve treated clients with brown spots and hyper pigmentation. I’ve helped reverse the look of sun damaged skin. You might not know this, but I also tint brows and lashes, which helps create a more youthful look.

Q: When will I see results

A: For most treatments, you will see results immediately. Your results will continue to improve over the next few days.

Q: Are the results permanent?

A: Skin cells are constantly regenerating, so over time you will need another treatment. How often and how many depends on several factors. If you take good care of your skin between appointments, eat healthy, and drink lots of water, you will extend the life of your last treatment.

Q: So, how often will I need treatments

A: In the beginning you may need more treatments, but as you make improvements, your skin will probably require less maintenance over time. During your consultation, we’ll go over your skin goals and what it will take to reach them. Typically, I see most clients every 4-6 weeks. However, if you’re targeting a specific problem I might recommend as often as every two weeks.

Q: Is it true that non-invasive treatments have no down time?

A:. Most of my treatments are not painful and clients can resume their normal activities right away. Before your treatment, I’ll discuss your aftercare options with you so there will be no surprises. Most likely, the biggest change to your daily routine will be that you will need a little extra moisturizer and sunscreen throughout the day.

Q: Will I break out after my service?

A: Probably not. If you’re new to professional-grade skincare it’s possible that you might experience some minor irritation. I take a progressive approach, not an aggressive one. I work really hard to make sure that I can give you the best results possible, but without putting your skin through more stress than it can handle. Breakouts are extremely rare!

More commonly, you might experience a little redness, similar to a sunburn. You might even notice some peeling skin in the days following your procedure.

What you experience will depend on how your skin reacts to the treatment. I’ve had some clients experience minor to medium redness from light chemical peels or microderms. I’ve also seen  others who have done stronger peels without even the slightest bit of pink.

Q: Do these treatments cost less?

A: Compared to surgery…yes!

Many people like to argue that non-invasive treatments are actually more expensive because they require more appointments. Over time, this adds up to a higher cost than the surgery. Here’s why that’s not true:

According to the average cost of a facelift is over $7000! That doesn’t even include the other fees that come with your surgery, like the cost of anesthesia, which is really expensive!

The prices of my services vary, but they average between 80 and 150. Even if you got a treatment as often as once a month, it would take you more than five years to spend the equivalent of a facelift.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with a surgical procedure like this, but you can get a heck of a lot of non-invasive treatments for the same price. Not to mention it’s a lot more relaxing!

Q: What about at home microderm machines? Couldn’t I just use one of those?

A: You mean and miss seeing me!?!? Just kidding! In all seriousness though, this is a great question and I’m glad it was asked. As a professional in this industry, I have some mixed feelings about a lot of the at home products that are available today.

I’ve spent a lot of time learning about skin and how to give you effective results without harming your skin. It’s more than just scraping a wand across the skin. When using a microderm machine, I know how much pressure to apply and which areas to apply it to. I know which areas need lighter tension so that we don’t risk irritation or damage. You can’t replicate that kind of knowledge at home, and you could be doing more harm than good if you’re using a product incorrectly for your needs. In other words, what worked for your friend, or for someone in a YouTube tutorial, might not work for you. While I’m not telling you not to try it, I would proceed with caution and consult a professional before you use an at home machine.

Further, many at home machines aren’t capable of producing the same results as a professional system. They’re good for minor exfoliation at best. This might be OK between appointments, but if you’re looking for the best results they shouldn’t replace your regular visits. My machine has a diamond tip and is capable of more powerful exfoliation. I also professionally prep skin and perform extractions as part of the process. Trying to do this at home, if you have the tools, could easily cause damage.

Finally, experiencing a skincare treatment in a professional environment is a relaxing experience. Why would you want to miss out on some well deserved pampering?

In. the interest of transparency, these machines are relatively inexpensive.  I can see why they would be tempting. But ask yourself, is it really worth risking the integrity of your skin to save a few dollars?

Deciding on a professional skincare treatment can be an overwhelming and intimidating process, but it can also be one of the most empowering things you do for yourself. There’s so many options for clients to choose, but Melissa prides herself on being able to help her clients find the skincare path that works best for them. No matter what, (cheesy line alert) she wants to help clients put their best face forward!

Do you have a question that you want Melissa to answer? Let us know! Leave a comment or contact Melissa for a private consultation.


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