I Shaved My Face And Here’s What Happened

Hey Modern Guys and Gals,

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Maria Kane, Melissa’s sister. And you heard me right…I shaved my face.

In the last several years, Melissa has been through extensive skincare training and I have been lucky enough to participate in much of this. When Melissa told me she was taking a class on dermaplaning, as usual, I volunteered to be her guinea pig. Normally, I love helping her learn new techniques—getting a free skincare service doesn’t hurt either, am I right?—but, with all the fighting we did when we were younger, it made me a little nervous to let my sister near my face with a sharp blade. I mean, would you trust your sister? That being said, Melissa is a professional, and not one to hold a grudge (thank goodness).

I was also nervous because I didn’t know what “dermaplaning” meant. Dermaplaning is a huge trend right now, but don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it. I hadn’t either. So, what is it?

Dermaplaning…An Overview…

Despite its new place in the spotlight, dermaplaning has actually been around for more than 40 years. It originally started as a way to prep the skin for chemical treatments, but dermaplaning is now commonly used as a manual exfoliation technique. Using a blade, your skin therapist will pull your skin tight and gently scrape the top layer of skin.

My session was quick and painless. Melissa started at my forehead and gently stroked the blade in small sections across my face. Following the procedure, she applied a moisturizing solution that complimented the specific needs of my skin.

What Are the Benefits?

The benefits of dermaplaning are similar to the benefits of a microdermabrasion. It removes the outer layer of dead skin cells and stimulates new cell turnover. Dry, dull skin will be removed and bright, soft, glowing skin will take its place. Dermaplaning is effective for minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and minor acne scarring.

After my session, my skin was so smooth and bright that I was able to go without makeup for the next few days. Trust me, if you’ve seen me without makeup, that’s a big deal!

Who Is a Good Candidate?

A good candidate for dermaplaning is anyone who wants to maintain a healthy, youthful complexion. Specifically, dermaplaning is ideal for someone who is looking to treat the following conditions:

Dermaplaning is also great for women who are pregnant, nursing, or otherwise unable to undergo chemical treatments. Dermaplaning can be done as often as once a month. Dermaplaning is not a great choice for someone with very oily skin or acne, but always consult with your skin therapist for the best options for your skin.

I thought I would make a good candidate for Melissa because I had so much facial hair. I pictured myself getting a straight shave, like at a barber shop, but in a prettier room. However, dermaplaning is meant to exfoliate skin, not remove coarse hair. Coarse hairs dull the blade and can hinder the results of your procedure. If you just have a few, your skin therapist will quickly tweeze them. But, if you’re like me and you have a little more, you’ll need a quick wax before she can begin. Yes, it’s safe to wax before a dermaplaning session!

So, Is It Really Shaving?

Dermaplaning is not shaving in the sense that you are probably thinking. Instead, think of it as shaving the skin. Microdermabrasion treatments buff away that top layer of dead skin cells, but dermaplaning gently scrapes them away. As a bonus, along with dead skin, dermaplaning will remove vellus hair, or peach fuzz. Your skin therapist can also naturally shave away a few sideburns if you have those. But, if you’re just looking for hair removal you might want to consider other options.

Doesn’t the Hair Grow Back Thicker if You Shave It?

This is the big question on everyone’s mind! It was for me too. I didn’t want a full grown beard to grow back in place of my peach fuzz. Rest easy ladies, that didn’t happen! I had my dermaplaning nearly two weeks ago and my skin is still smooth and my peach fuzz has not grown back. It’s not permanent hair removal, so it will return, but it certainly won’t be thicker and darker as the old wives’ tales would have us believe.

I’ve been getting regular microdermabrasion treatments for almost as long as Melissa has been performing them. I found the results of dermaplaning to be very similar. If you like the results of your microderms, I would highly recommend giving dermaplaning a try.

So, now that you’ve heard my story, I want to hear yours. Have you ever tried dermaplaning? What makes dermaplaning appealing to you? Drop me a comment and share your thoughts!


Maria Kane


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